Stepping Stones Totnes Food Bank

Stepping Stones Totnes Food Bank ar hyn o bryd yn gofyn i'r eitemau canlynol gael eu rhoi:

Longlife Whole And Semi-skimmed Milk.
Plant Milks, Especially Oat.
Dried Rice And Pasta.
Tinned Fruit
Tinned Rice Pudding And Tinned Custard
Jams, Preserves And Peanut Butter
Non-sugary Cereals And Gluten Free Cereals
Decaf Tea And Coffee
Tinned Meats And Fish
Vegan, Vegetarian And Gluten Free Tinned Stews, Curries And Soups
Tinned Soups
Tinned Pulses, Especially Chickpeas
Tinned Tomatoes And Tinned Veg Especially Sweetcorn And Peas.
Non-bio Washing Powder
Sanitary Products Including Towels And Tampons
Toilet Rolls

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Stepping Stones Totnes
St John's Church
26 Bridgetown