Wantage and Grove Food Bank

Wantage and Grove Food Bank ar hyn o bryd yn gofyn i'r eitemau canlynol gael eu rhoi:

Tins Or Packets Of Soup
Packets Of Rice
Tins Of Fish
Packets Of Pasta
Tins Of Meat
Jars Of Pasta Sauce
Tins Of Tomatoes
Tins Of Fruit
Tins Of Potatoes
Tins Of Rice Pudding
Tins Of Baked Beans/spaghetti
Tins Of Custard (Not Needing Milk Added)
Tins Of Other Vegetables
Jars Of Jam
Packets Of Biscuits
Packets Of Tea Bags
Packets Of Breakfast Cereal
Packets/jars Of Hot Chocolate (Not Needing Milk Added)
UHT Milk Packets Of Sugar
Jars Of Coffee
Large Cartons Of Long Life Fruit Juice
Packets Of Sweets
Packets Of Treats

Bwyd, arian neu'ch amser

Cael diweddariadau Cael unrhyw e-bost pan fydd angen eitemau newydd

Wantage and Grove
Oxfordshire Community Churches
The Kings Centre
Osney Mead

Charity Registration: 1056921