Food banks in Dover and Deal

Mike Tapp

Dover and Deal constituency is represented by Mike Tapp MP of the Labour party.


The following food banks operate in the Dover and Deal constituency. Here is what they are requesting to have donated.

Deal Area Tinned Meat Or Fish
Tinned Fruit
Tinned/packet Soup
Tinned Custard Or Rice Pudding
Long Life Fruit Juice
Shampoo Or Deodorant Or Shaving Stuff
Baked Beans/spaghetti Hoops
Pasta & Pasta Sauce
Tea Or Coffee & Biscuits
Sanitary Products & Toilet Rolls
Cat/dog Food
Long Life Milk
Jams Or Spreads
Cleaning Cloths And Cleaning Products
Rice And Noodles
Dover Tinned Fruit
Instant Mash
Instant Noodles
Sponge Puddings
Shower Gel / Soap Bars
Cat Food
Fruit Juice
Baby Wipes
Community Matters Mobile Van (Aylesham)
Part of Deal Area
Tinned Meat Or Fish
Tinned Fruit
Tinned/packet Soup
Tinned Custard Or Rice Pudding
Long Life Fruit Juice
Shampoo Or Deodorant Or Shaving Stuff
Baked Beans/spaghetti Hoops
Pasta & Pasta Sauce
Tea Or Coffee & Biscuits
Sanitary Products & Toilet Rolls
Cat/dog Food
Long Life Milk
Jams Or Spreads
Cleaning Cloths And Cleaning Products
Rice And Noodles
Deal We currently don't know what is needed at this food bank. Please contact them to find out.
St Richards Church
Part of Deal Area
Tinned Meat Or Fish
Tinned Fruit
Tinned/packet Soup
Tinned Custard Or Rice Pudding
Long Life Fruit Juice
Shampoo Or Deodorant Or Shaving Stuff
Baked Beans/spaghetti Hoops
Pasta & Pasta Sauce
Tea Or Coffee & Biscuits
Sanitary Products & Toilet Rolls
Cat/dog Food
Long Life Milk
Jams Or Spreads
Cleaning Cloths And Cleaning Products
Rice And Noodles
Trinity Church
Part of Deal Area
Tinned Meat Or Fish
Tinned Fruit
Tinned/packet Soup
Tinned Custard Or Rice Pudding
Long Life Fruit Juice
Shampoo Or Deodorant Or Shaving Stuff
Baked Beans/spaghetti Hoops
Pasta & Pasta Sauce
Tea Or Coffee & Biscuits
Sanitary Products & Toilet Rolls
Cat/dog Food
Long Life Milk
Jams Or Spreads
Cleaning Cloths And Cleaning Products
Rice And Noodles
Community Matters Mobile Van (Elvington)
Part of Deal Area
Tinned Meat Or Fish
Tinned Fruit
Tinned/packet Soup
Tinned Custard Or Rice Pudding
Long Life Fruit Juice
Shampoo Or Deodorant Or Shaving Stuff
Baked Beans/spaghetti Hoops
Pasta & Pasta Sauce
Tea Or Coffee & Biscuits
Sanitary Products & Toilet Rolls
Cat/dog Food
Long Life Milk
Jams Or Spreads
Cleaning Cloths And Cleaning Products
Rice And Noodles