Eachdraidh - Bradford on Avon Food Bank

5 mìosan o chionn

Long Life Fruit Juice
Baked Beans
Peanut Butter
Microwaveable Rice - Small Packets
Small Coffee - 100gm
Tinned Tomatoes
Pasta Sauce
Tinned Vegetables
Rice Pudding
Tinned Fruit
Pasta 500gs

5 mìosan, 2 sheachdain o chionn

Long Life Fruit Juice
Pasta Sauce
Tinned Rice Pudding
Tinned Custard
Baked Beans
Peanut Butter
Microwaveable Rice - Small Packets
Small Coffee - 100gm

1 bhliadhna, 5 mìosan o chionn

Long Life Fruit Juice
Instant Noodles
Pasta Sauce
Tinned Rice Pudding
Shower Gel
Fruit Shoots
Tinned Vegetables
Tinned Tomatoes
Tinned Dog Food
Tinned Custard
Small Coffee - 100gm

1 bhliadhna, 7 mìosan o chionn

Long Life Fruit Juice
Instant Noodles
Tinned Rice Pudding
Rice - Small Packets
Instant Coffee - Small Jars
Shower Gel
Fruit Shoots
Tinned Vegetables
Tinned Tomatoes
Tinned Dog Food

1 bhliadhna, 9 mìosan o chionn

Long Life Fruit Juice
Instant Noodles
Tinned Rice Pudding
Rice - Small Packets
Tinned Soup
Instant Coffee - Small Jars

2 bhliadhna, 1 mhìos o chionn

Tinned Soup
Long Life Fruit Juice
Instant Noodles
Tinned Rice Pudding
Rice - Small Packets
Tinned Soup

2 bhliadhna, 1 mhìos o chionn

Pot Noodles
Small Jars Of Coffee
UHT Fruit Juice (1 Litre)
Savoury Biscuits Eg Ryvita
Tinned Soup
Instant Noodles
Tinned Rice Pudding
Rice - Small Packets

3 bliadhnaichean, 10 mìosan o chionn

Sweet Treats
Tinned Rice Pudding
Pot Noodles
Small Jars Of Coffee
UHT Fruit Juice (1 Litre)
Savoury Biscuits Eg Ryvita

4 bliadhnaichean, 1 mhìos o chionn

Tinned fruit
Tinned rice pudding
Tinned Hot Dogs (or other tinned meat)
UHT fruit juice (1 Litre)
UHT milk (1 litre)
Small jars of coffee
Sweet Treats
Tinned Rice Pudding
UHT Fruit Juice (1 Litre)

4 bliadhnaichean, 9 mìosan o chionn

Gun atharrachadh