Long Life Milk Baked Beans Tinned Tomatoes Tinned Fruit (Not Prunes) Tinned Vegetables (Potatoes, Peas, Carrots, Sweetcorn Etc) Tinned Meat And Fish Tinned Rice Pudding And Tins/cartons Custard Coffee And Tea Jam And Honey Long Life Fruit Juice, And Squash Tinned Soup (Not Tomato) Pasta Sauces Tinned Spaghetti And Macaroni Cheese Rice Biscuits Chocolates Long Life Milk Cereals Toiletries, Household Cleaning Products, Toilet Paper
9 mìosan, 2 sheachdain o chionn
Long Life Semi-skimmed Milk Tinned Potatoes Long Life Milk Tinned Tomatoes Tinned Fruit (Not Prunes) Breakfast Cereals (Not Porridge) Coffee Fruit Juice Jars Of Pasta Sauce Tinned Vegetables (Potatoes, Peas, Carrots, Sweetcorn Etc) Tinned Meat And Fish Tinned Rice Pudding And Tins/cartons Custard Baked Beans Tinned Carrots And Peas Coffee And Tea Jam And Honey Tinned Fray Bentos Meat Pies, Tinned Stewing Steak Or Similar, Hot Dogs Soup Toiletries, Household Cleaning Products And Toilet Paper Long Life Fruit Juice, And Squash Tinned Soup (Not Tomato) Pasta Sauces Tinned Spaghetti And Macaroni Cheese Rice Biscuits Chocolates Toiletries, Household Cleaning Products, Toilet Paper
3 bliadhnaichean, 7 mìosan o chionn
Tinned Carrots, Peas And Potatoes Long Life Semi-skimmed Milk Tinned Potatoes Tinned Fruit (Not Prunes) Breakfast Cereals (Not Porridge) Coffee Tinned Fruit (Not Prunes) Long Life Milk Fruit Juice Jars Of Pasta Sauce Tinned Rice Pudding And Tins/cartons Custard Tinned Fray Bentos Meat Pies, Tinned Stewing Steak Or Mince Baked Beans Tinned Carrots And Peas Jam And Honey Tinned Fray Bentos Meat Pies, Tinned Stewing Steak Or Similar, Hot Dogs Soup Toiletries, Household Cleaning Products And Toilet Paper
3 bliadhnaichean, 10 mìosan o chionn
Tinned Carrots, Peas And Potatoes Coffee Tinned Fruit (Not Prunes) Long Life Milk Fruit Juice Jars Of Pasta Sauce Tinned Rice Pudding And Tins/cartons Custard Tinned Fray Bentos Meat Pies, Tinned Stewing Steak Or Mince Tinned Fruit (Not Prunes) Christmas Puddings And Christmas Cakes Tins/packets Of Custard, Packets Of Brandy Sauce Mix Tinned Salmon And Large Tines Of Ham Cranberry Sauce, Stuffing, Gravy Powder Or Pots Coffee Milk Jam, Honey, Chocolate Spread Shower Gel, Shampoo, Toothpaste, Soap Jam And Honey
4 bliadhnaichean o chionn
Tinned Potatoes Or Packets Of Mashed Potatoes Tinned Meat Pies Bars Of Chocolate Toiletries Household Washing And Cleaning Products Tinned Dog Food Tinned Fray Bentos Meat Pies, Tinned Stewing Steak Or Mince Tinned Fruit (Not Prunes) Christmas Puddings And Christmas Cakes Tins/packets Of Custard, Packets Of Brandy Sauce Mix Tinned Salmon And Large Tines Of Ham Cranberry Sauce, Stuffing, Gravy Powder Or Pots Coffee Milk Jam, Honey, Chocolate Spread Shower Gel, Shampoo, Toothpaste, Soap
4 bliadhnaichean, 4 mìosan o chionn
Tinned Potatoes Or Packets Of Mashed Potatoes Custard And Rice Pudding Tinned Meat Pies Bars Of Chocolate Tinned Dog Food Toiletries Household Washing And Cleaning Products Tinned Dog Food
4 bliadhnaichean, 4 mìosan o chionn
Tinned Potatoes Tinned Or Packet Custard Tinned Rice Pudding Tinned Vegetables (Not Sweetcorn) Tinned Potatoes Or Packets Of Mashed Potatoes Custard And Rice Pudding Bars Of Chocolate Tinned Dog Food Toiletries Household Washing And Cleaning Products
4 bliadhnaichean, 5 mìosan o chionn
Tinned Vegetables (Not Sweetcorn) Tinned Potatoes Tinned Or Packet Custard Tinned Rice Pudding Tinned Meat (Not Ham Or Meatballs) Tinned Vegetables (Not Sweetcorn) Bars Of Chocolate Tinned Dog Food
4 bliadhnaichean, 6 mìosan o chionn
Tinned Vegetables (Not Sweetcorn) Tinned Or Packet Custard Tinned Fruit Tinned Rice Pudding Tinned Meat Tinned Carrots, Peas Dog Food Tinned Meat (Not Ham Or Meatballs) Bars Of Chocolate Tinned Dog Food
4 bliadhnaichean, 7 mìosan o chionn
Long life milk Long life fruit juice Tinned carrots, peas and sweetcorn Tinned or mashed potatoes Tinned fruit Dog food Tinned Or Packet Custard Tinned Fruit Tinned Rice Pudding Tinned Meat Tinned Carrots, Peas Dog Food