Eddie’s Convenience Store - Chichester District Food Bank

Eddie’s Convenience Store tha e a 'toirt taic do Chichester District Food Bank. Tha iad ag iarraidh gun tèid tabhartas a thoirt seachad...

Long Life Fruit Juice (UHT)
Long Life Milk (UHT)
Tinned Meat
Tinned Vegetables
Toilet Roll and Kitchen Roll
Tinned or Packet Soup
Shampoo and Conditioner
Toothbrushes and Toothpaste
Tinned Fruit, Rice Pudding or Custard
Gluten Free and Vegan Snacks
Squash Drinks
Ready Made Sauces for Pasta, Curries, Chinese Meals
Ready Made Sponge Puddings

Chan eil feum air tuilleadh Pasta.

Biadh, airgead no àm ri teachd

Bankuet Thoir seachad a ‘cleachdadh Bankuet

Faigh ùrachaidhean Faigh post - d sam bith nuair a tha feum air nithean ùra

1 Millfield Close
PO19 6UR