Ashcroft Church & Centre tha e a 'toirt taic do Cirencester Food Bank. Tha iad ag iarraidh gun tèid tabhartas a thoirt seachad...
Tinned Meat
Chocolate Bars And Chocolate Biscuit Bars
Long-Life Juice
Rice (500g Pack Size Preferred)
Rice Pouches
Long-Life Puddings, Eg. Sponge Puddings, Angel Delight, Pots Of Fruit In Jelly
Long-Life Milk
Sauces, Eg. Tomato Ketchup, Mayonnaise
Instant Mashed Potato / Tinned Potatoes
Deodorant - Men's
Wet & Dry Cat Food
Dry Dog Food
Chan eil feum air tuilleadh Christmas Specific Items, Baked Beans, Pasta Sauces, Tinned Pasta, Tuna, Vegetables.
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