Eachdraidh - Gatehouse (Bury St Edmunds) Food Bank

8 mìosan, 1 seachdain o chionn

Gun atharrachadh

1 bliadhna, 1 mhìos o chionn

Gun atharrachadh

2 bhliadhna, 2 mhìos o chionn

Gun atharrachadh

4 bliadhnaichean, 1 mhìos o chionn

Breakfast Cereal
Milk (UHT And Powered)
Pasta (Dried)
Baked Beans (Tins)
Pasta Sauce (Jar)
Rice Pudding (Tinned)
Fish / Tuna (Tinned)
Soup (Tins And Packets)
Fruit (Tinned)
Fruit Squash Drink
Tinned Tomatoes
Orange Juice (Carton)
Tea Bags
Meat (Tinned)
Vegetables (Tinned)

4 bliadhnaichean, 5 mìosan o chionn

Breakfast cereal
Milk (UHT and powered)
Breakfast Cereal
Milk (UHT And Powered)
Pasta (dried)
Baked beans (tins)
Pasta sauce (jar)
Pasta (Dried)
Baked Beans (Tins)
Pasta Sauce (Jar)
Rice pudding (tinned)
Fish / tuna (tinned)
Soup (tins and packets)
Fruit (tinned)
Rice Pudding (Tinned)
Fish / Tuna (Tinned)
Soup (Tins And Packets)
Fruit (Tinned)
Fruit squash drink
Tinned tomatoes
Orange juice (carton)
Tea bags
Meat (tinned)
Vegetables (tinned)
Fruit Squash Drink
Tinned Tomatoes
Orange Juice (Carton)
Tea Bags
Meat (Tinned)
Vegetables (Tinned)

4 bliadhnaichean, 10 mìosan o chionn

Gun atharrachadh