Catholic Church of St Thomas Aquinas and St Stephen Harding - Market Drayton Food Bank

Catholic Church of St Thomas Aquinas and St Stephen Harding tha e a 'toirt taic do Market Drayton Food Bank. Tha iad ag iarraidh gun tèid tabhartas a thoirt seachad...

Cartons Of Long Life Fruit Juice
£5 Shepley's Butchers Vouchers
Small Jars Of Coffee
Sponge Puddings
Slab Cake
Christmas Cake

Chan eil feum air tuilleadh Cereals, Baked Beans, Tea, Rice, Pasta.

Biadh, airgead no àm ri teachd

Faigh ùrachaidhean Faigh post - d sam bith nuair a tha feum air nithean ùra

Catholic Church of St Thomas Aquinas and St Stephen Harding
53 Great Hales Street
Market Drayton