Eachdraidh - Uckfield Food Bank

1 bliadhna, 4 mìosan o chionn

Fray Bentos Meat Pies
Corned Beef And Tinned Ham
Longlife Juice
Sponge Puddings Or Angel Delight
Pasta Sauce
Tinned Spaghetti
Chocolate, Crisps, Snacks
Chocolate, Sweets/snacks

2 bhliadhna, 7 mìosan o chionn

Long Life Milk
Shampoo, Shower Gel, Toothpaste
Sponge Puddings
Cleaning Products Including Soap Powder/tablets
Fray Bentos Meat Pies
Corned Beef And Tinned Ham
Longlife Juice
Sponge Puddings Or Angel Delight
Pasta Sauce
Tinned Spaghetti
Chocolate, Crisps, Snacks

3 bliadhnaichean, 5 mìosan o chionn

Long Life Orange/apple Juice
Long Life Milk
Shampoo, Shower Gel, Toothpaste
Tinned Custard
Sponge Puddings
Cleaning Products Including Soap Powder/tablets
Pasta Sauce

3 bliadhnaichean, 8 mìosan o chionn

Sponge Puddings
40 Packs Of Teabags
Toiletries - Shampoo, Deodorant, Soap
Long Life Orange/apple Juice
Shampoo, Shower Gel, Toothpaste
Tinned Custard
Cleaning Products Including Soap Powder/tablets
Pasta Sauce

3 bliadhnaichean, 9 mìosan o chionn

Long Life Milk
Long Life Juice
Tinned Meat
Sponge Puddings
40 Packs Of Teabags
Toiletries - Shampoo, Deodorant, Soap
Cleaning Products Including Soap Powder/tablets

3 bliadhnaichean, 11 mhìos o chionn

Cranberry Sauce
Gravy Granules
Non-alcoholic Christmas Puddings
Tubes Of Snacks
Boxed Biscuits
Chocolates/sweets For Christmas
Long Life Milk
Long Life Juice
Tinned Meat
Sponge Puddings

4 bliadhnaichean o chionn

Pasta Sauce
Sponge Puddings
Rice Pudding (Tinned)
Jam, Honey, Chocolate Spread - Not Peanut Butter
Long Life Juice - Orange/apple
Cranberry Sauce
Gravy Granules
Non-alcoholic Christmas Puddings
Tubes Of Snacks
Boxed Biscuits
Chocolates/sweets For Christmas

4 bliadhnaichean, 3 mìosan o chionn

Jam - Not Chocolate Spread Or Honey
Pasta Sauce
Sponge Puddings
Individual Jellies
Rice Pudding (Tinned)
Jam, Honey, Chocolate Spread - Not Peanut Butter
Long Life Juice - Orange/apple

4 bliadhnaichean, 6 mìosan o chionn

Tinned vegetables
Tinned potatoes
Sponge puddings
Tinned tomatoes
Chocolate/sweet treats
Jam - Not Chocolate Spread Or Honey
Sponge Puddings
Individual Jellies
Rice Pudding (Tinned)
Long Life Juice - Orange/apple

4 bliadhnaichean, 11 mhìos o chionn

Gun atharrachadh