Uttlesford Food Bank is currently requesting the following items to be donated:
Tinned Meat
Crisps & Savoury Snacks
Instant Meals & Pot Noodles
Gravy & Stuffing
Longlife Milk
Longlife Juice
Adult Toothbrushes
Size 6 Nappies
Razors & Shaving Foam
Deodorant (Men's And Women's)
Antibacterial Cleaning Spray
Laundry Detergent
Boxed Chocolates
Crackers For Cheese
Christmas Biscuits
Share Tubs Of Crisps / Twiglets
Tinned Ham
Christmas Puddings
Chutney (Not Mango)
Iced Fruitcake / Stollen
Mince Pies
Tinned Salmon
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Cha chleachd sinn an seòladh puist - d agad airson rud sam bith eile, agus faodaidh tu dì - chlàradh aig àm sam bith.
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