Eachdraidh - Walton & Hersham Food Bank

5 làithean, 1 uair a thìde o chionn

Long-Life Milk
Tinned Meat
Long-Life Sponge Puddings
Chocolate Or Sweets
Toilet Roll
Kitchen Towel
Dog Food

1 seachdain, 5 làithean o chionn

Long-Life Milk
Tinned Meat
Long-Life Sponge Puddings
Chocolate Or Sweets
Shaving Gel / Foam
Toilet Roll
Kitchen Towel
Dog Food

2 sheachdain, 5 làithean o chionn

Hot Chocolate
Long-Life Milk
Tinned Meat
Crisps And Savoury Snacks
Long-Life Sponge Puddings
Chocolate Or Sweets
Shaving Gel / Foam
Kitchen Towel
Spray Cleaners
Washing Machine Capsules
Dog Food

3 seachdainean, 5 làithean o chionn

Hot Chocolate And Instant Coffee
Long-Life Juice Or Squash
Hot Chocolate
Long-Life Milk
Tinned Meat
Crisps And Savoury Snacks
Long-Life Sponge Puddings
Shaving Gel / Foam
Kitchen Towel
Spray Cleaners
Washing Machine Capsules
Dog Food

1 mhìos o chionn

Hot Chocolate And Instant Coffee
Long-Life Juice Or Squash
Tinned Meat
Crisps And Savoury Snacks
Long-Life Sponge Puddings
Shaving Gel / Foam
Kitchen Towel
Spray Cleaners
Washing Machine Capsules
Dog Food

1 mhìos, 1 seachdain o chionn

Hot Chocolate
Instant Coffee
Hot Chocolate And Instant Coffee
Long-Life Juice Or Squash
Tinned Meat
Crisps And Savoury Snacks
Long-Life Sponge Puddings
Long-Life Milk
Shaving Gel / Foam
Kitchen Towel
Spray Cleaners
Washing Machine Capsules

1 mhìos, 2 sheachdain o chionn

Hot Chocolate
Instant Coffee
Long-Life Juice Or Squash
Tinned Meat
Long-life Milk
Long-life Sponge Puddings
Shaving Gel/ Foam
Long-Life Sponge Puddings
Long-Life Milk
Shaving Gel / Foam
Kitchen Towel
Spray Cleaners
Toilet Roll

1 mhìos, 3 seachdainean o chionn

Hot Chocolate
Instant Coffee
Tinned Meat
Long-life Milk
Tinned Meat
Instant Coffee
Hot Chocolate
Long-life Sponge Puddings
Chocolate/ Sweets/ Biscuits
Shaving Gel/ Foam
Kitchen Towel
Spray Cleaners
Toilet Roll
Spray Cleaners
Kitchen Towel

2 mhìos o chionn

Long-life Milk
Tinned Meat
Instant Coffee
Hot Chocolate
Tinned Macaroni Cheese
Tinned Sweetcorn
Long-life Sponge Puddings
Chocolate And Sweets
Chocolate/ Sweets/ Biscuits
Shaving Gel/ Foam
Toilet Roll + Kitchen Towel
Toilet Roll
Spray Cleaners
Kitchen Towel

2 mhìos, 1 seachdain o chionn

Long-life Milk
Pasta And Plain Noodles
Instant Coffee
Hot Chocolate
Tinned Macaroni Cheese
Tinned Sweetcorn
Long-life Sponge Puddings + Custard
Ketchup And Mayonnaise
Instant Coffee And Hot Chocolate
Long-life Sponge Puddings
Chocolate And Sweets
Shaving Gel/ Foam
Toilet Roll + Kitchen Towel