Food banks in Huntingdon

Ben Obese-Jecty

Huntingdon constituency is represented by Ben Obese-Jecty MP of the Conservative party.


The following food banks operate in the Huntingdon constituency. Here is what they are requesting to have donated.

Godmanchester Jam
UHT Semi Skimmed Milk
Tinned Veg - Peas, Carrots, Sweetcorn, Potatoes
Tinned Meat - Ham, Corned Beef, Chilli, Chicken In Sauce
Tea (80's) And Coffee - Medium Size Jars
Rice In 500gm Or 1 Kg Bags
Tinned Fruit
Tinned Pasta Such As Hoops, Ravioli
Squash - Orange And Blackcurrant
Sawtry Tinned Fruit
Tinned Rice Pudding
Tinned Custard
Tinned Hot Meats
Tinned Cold Meats
Tinned Fish
Tinned Potatoes
Tinned Vegetables
Tinned Spaghetti
Tinned Baked Beans
Tinned Tomatoes
Tea Bags
Instant Coffee
Pasta Sauces
Long-Life Milk
Savoury Crackers
Long-Life Fruit Juice
Squash, Small Bottle
St Ives (Cambridgeshire) Instant Pasta Or Rice Pots (Kettle Or Microwave Only Please)
Porridge Oats (Bags Only Please, Not Instant Pots)
Variety Pack Breakfast Cereals
Christmas Treats For Families And Individuals (Such As Variety Packs, Christmas Puddings Etc.)
Huntingdon Breakfast Cereal Variety Packs (Please Resist The Temptation To Buy Large Boxes Of Single Cereals)
Tinned Potatoes
Instant Mash
Pasta Sauce
Tinned Meat Pies
Tinned Meat/pasta (Ravioli, Spaghetti Bolognaise Etc)
Tomato Soup
Cream Crackers
Bags For Life