Food banks in Derby South

Margaret Beckett

Derby South constituency is represented by Margaret Beckett MP of the Labour party.

You can write to your MP to politely help them understand that food banks shouldn't exist in our country.

The following food banks operate in the Derby South constituency. Here is what they are requesting to have donated.

Derby City Mission Tins Of Meat E.g. Stewing Steak, Meat In Sauces
Tins Of Cooked Meat E.g. Ham, Corned Beef
Tins Of Fish E.g. Tuna, Sardines
Tins Of Vegetables E.g. Sweetcorn, Carrots, Peas, Potatoes, Kidney Beans/pulses
Tinned Tomatoes
Tins Of Dessert E.g. Fruit, Steamed Puddings/ Creamed Rice
Packet Flavoured Noodles E.g. Super Noodles
Sauces E.g. Tomato/brown/mayo
Rice (500g)
Tea Bags (Bags Of 40)
Coffee (Small Jars)
Cuppa Soups
Jams/honey/peanut Butter/chocolate Spread
Biscuits/crackers/crisp Breads
Cereals E.g. Wheat Biscuits, Cornflakes, Oats
Toilet Rolls
Washing Up Liquid
Bath/shower Gel
Nappies (Any Size)
Derby South We currently don't know what is needed at this food bank. Please contact them to find out.
Derby Central We currently don't know what is needed at this food bank. Please contact them to find out.