Food banks in North West Hampshire

Kit Malthouse

North West Hampshire constituency is represented by Kit Malthouse MP of the Conservative party.

You can write to your MP to politely help them understand that food banks shouldn't exist in our country.

The following food banks operate in the North West Hampshire constituency. Here is what they are requesting to have donated.

Andover Longlife Fruitjuice
Tinned Tomatoes
Longlife Milk
Jam, Marmalade & Honey
Tinned Meat & Fish
Tinned Spaghetti
Tinned Fruit
Shampoo & Conditioner
Washing Up Liquid
Toothpaste & Toothbrushes
RCS Andover Adult Learning Centre
Part of Andover
Longlife Fruitjuice
Tinned Tomatoes
Longlife Milk
Jam, Marmalade & Honey
Tinned Meat & Fish
Tinned Spaghetti
Tinned Fruit
Shampoo & Conditioner
Washing Up Liquid
Toothpaste & Toothbrushes
Part of Andover
Longlife Fruitjuice
Tinned Tomatoes
Longlife Milk
Jam, Marmalade & Honey
Tinned Meat & Fish
Tinned Spaghetti
Tinned Fruit
Shampoo & Conditioner
Washing Up Liquid
Toothpaste & Toothbrushes
Part of Basingstoke
Tinned Fruit
Tinned Tomatoes
Savoury Snacks/crisps
Long Life Fruit Juice
Semi Skimmed UHT Milk
Loo Roll
Cooking Sauces
Hot And Cold Desserts (E.g. Jelly, Sponge Pudding)
Hair Conditioner
Custard And Evaporated Milk
Tinned Meat
Tinned Veg
Tinned Ravioli
Washing Up Liquid
Sweet Spreads (Eg. Jam, Marmalade)
Nappies Size 5 And Above
King Arthur's Hall
Part of Andover
Longlife Fruitjuice
Tinned Tomatoes
Longlife Milk
Jam, Marmalade & Honey
Tinned Meat & Fish
Tinned Spaghetti
Tinned Fruit
Shampoo & Conditioner
Washing Up Liquid
Toothpaste & Toothbrushes
The Bridge Community Building
Part of Andover
Longlife Fruitjuice
Tinned Tomatoes
Longlife Milk
Jam, Marmalade & Honey
Tinned Meat & Fish
Tinned Spaghetti
Tinned Fruit
Shampoo & Conditioner
Washing Up Liquid
Toothpaste & Toothbrushes
Tadley We currently don't know what is needed at this food bank. Please contact them to find out.
Andover We currently don't know what is needed at this food bank. Please contact them to find out.