We've found a new list of items requested by Swansea Food Bank. They are...
Tinned Fruit Long Life Fruit Juice Or Squash Instant Mashed Potato Or Tinned Potatoes Instant Coffee Or Hot Chocolate Tinned Vegetables Rice Pudding Chocolate And Treats Jars Of Pasta Or Curry Sauce Tinned Meat Eg Ham, Stewed Steak Or Corned Beef Breakfast Cereal Tinned Tuna Custard Biscuits UHT Milk
Swansea Food Bank currently doesn't need anymore of these items: Baked Beans.
News from Swansea Food Bank
We Are Going Back To Where It All Began! ਮਾਰ 17, 2025, 11:49 a.m.
St Catherine’s Church Closed Due To Refurbishment ਮਾਰ 6, 2025, 3:49 p.m.
You can find more details at https://www.givefood.org.uk/needs/at/swansea/
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