Give Food

We're a UK charity that uses data to highlight local and structural food insecurity then provides tools to help alleviate it.

Find out if there is a food bank nearby that you can help...

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How we can help


Use our tool to find your local food banks, then donate, volunteer or take political action.

Find out how to help 

Food banks

Register a food bank to be included in our database and allow users to find you and what you need.

Register a food bank 


Journalists, in particular data journalists, can use our data for stories around food poverty.

Use our API 

Researchers & students

We can provide our data in bulk, plus advice on how to interpret it, to researchers. Have a look at our API or email us.

Use our API 


📍 Food banks


🛒 Donation points


🥫 Items requested


🥣 Meals delivered


📅 Last updated