API Docs

List of all the food banks we know of
Food bank including needs and locations
Find food banks closest to an inputted location
List of all the food bank loctions we know of
Find food bank locations closest to an inputted location
Latest needs published countrywide
Need requested by a food bank
List of all parliamentary constituencies
Parliamentary constituency


Returns a list of all known food banks, with limited information about them.

Field Type Example Description
address Multiline String Sidmouth Youth Centre
Manstone Lane
EX10 9TS
alt_name String Carerdydd Alternative name, for example in Welsh
closed Boolean false
country String England Country, or Crown dependency, that the food bank's main location is in
registration_id String 1188192 Charity number of the registered charity that the food bank operates under
register_url URL https://beta.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-details/?regId=1151274 URL of the charity entry with the local registrar
created String 2019-07-01T13:42:01.565Z Date and time of when we first found the food bank
email Email Address info@sidvalleyfoodbank.org.uk
lat_lng String 51.4630738,-0.1207938 Comma separated latitude and longitude
name String Sid Valley Name of the food bank
network String IFAN Name of the food bank network the food bank is in, or "Independent"
phone String 07413858335 Phone number
parliamentary_constituency String Vauxhall Name of the parliamentary constituency the food bank's main location is in
mp String Florence Eshalomi Name of the member of parliament who represents parliamentary constituency that the food bank's main location is in
mp_party String Labour Political party of the member of parliament who represents parliamentary constituency that the food bank's main location is in
ward String Streatham Hill Name of the ward the food bank's main location is in
district String Lambeth Name of the district the food bank's main location is in
html URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/needs/in/constituency/vauxhall/ HTML URL of the parliamentary constituency
self URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/api/2/constituency/vauxhall/ API URL of the parliamentary constituency
postcode String GU16 7HF
secondary_phone String 07413858335 Secondary phone number
slug String hull Slugified name of the food bank
homepage URL https://norwoodbrixton.foodbank.org.uk/ Homepage of the food bank
html URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/needs/at/norwoodbrixton/ HTML URL of the food bank
self URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/api/2/foodbank/norwoodbrixton/ API URL of the food bank
shopping_list URL https://norwoodbrixton.foodbank.org.uk/give-help/donate-food/ URL of the shopping list where we find what a food bank requires


Returns the details of a single food bank, including what is requesting to be donated and nearby food banks.

Field Type Example Description
address Multiline String Sidmouth Youth Centre
Manstone Lane
EX10 9TS
alt_name String Carerdydd Alternative name, for example in Welsh
closed Boolean false
country String England Country, or Crown dependency, that the food bank's main location is in
registration_id String 1188192 Charity number of the registered charity that the food bank operates under
register_url URL https://beta.charitycommission.gov.uk/charity-details/?regId=1151274 URL of the charity entry with the local registrar
created String 2019-07-01T13:42:01.565Z Date and time of when we first found the food bank
email Email Address info@sidvalleyfoodbank.org.uk
lat_lng String 51.4630738,-0.1207938 Comma separated latitude and longitude
name String Sid Valley Name of the food bank
nearby_foodbanks List Some fields of the food banks nearby
network String IFAN Name of the food bank network the food bank is in, or "Independent"
phone String 07413858335 Phone number
parliamentary_constituency String Vauxhall Name of the parliamentary constituency the food bank's main location is in
mp String Florence Eshalomi Name of the member of parliament who represents parliamentary constituency that the food bank's main location is in
mp_party String Labour Political party of the member of parliament who represents parliamentary constituency that the food bank's main location is in
ward String Streatham Hill Name of the ward the food bank's main location is in
district String Lambeth Name of the district the food bank's main location is in
html URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/needs/in/constituency/vauxhall/ HTML URL of the parliamentary constituency
self URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/api/2/constituency/vauxhall/ API URL of the parliamentary constituency
postcode String GU16 7HF
secondary_phone String 07413858335 Secondary phone number
slug String hull Slugified name of the food bank
found Date time 2020-11-27T09:55:57.877Z Date and time of when we found what the food bank needs
needs Multiline String UHT Milk
Tinned Tomatoes
Tinned Sweetcorn
Linebreak separated list of items in the need. Or "Unknown", "Nothing" or "Facebook" keywords.
number Integer 6 Number of different items requested by the food bank
excess Multiline String Baked Beans
Linebreak separated list of items the food bank has excess of
homepage URL https://norwoodbrixton.foodbank.org.uk/ Homepage of the food bank
html URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/needs/at/norwoodbrixton/ HTML URL of the food bank
self URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/api/2/foodbank/norwoodbrixton/ API URL of the food bank
shopping_list URL https://norwoodbrixton.foodbank.org.uk/give-help/donate-food/ URL of the shopping list where we find what a food bank requires


Returns a list of all known food bank locations, with limited information about them.

Field Type Example Description
address Multiline String Sidmouth Youth Centre
Manstone Lane
EX10 9TS
email Email Address info@sidvalleyfoodbank.org.uk
name String Sid Valley
network String Independent
slug String sid-valley
html URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/needs/in/sid-valley/ HTML URL of the food bank
self URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/api/2/foodbank/sid-valley/ API URL of the food bank
lat_lng String 51.4630738,-0.1207938 Comma separated latitude and longitude
name String Sid Valley Name of the food bank location
phone String 07413858335 Phone number
parliamentary_constituency String Vauxhall Name of the parliamentary constituency the food bank's main location is in
mp String Florence Eshalomi Name of the member of parliament who represents parliamentary constituency that the food bank's main location is in
mp_party String Labour Political party of the member of parliament who represents parliamentary constituency that the food bank's main location is in
ward String Streatham Hill Name of the ward the food bank's main location is in
district String Lambeth Name of the district the food bank's main location is in
html URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/needs/in/constituency/vauxhall/ HTML URL of the parliamentary constituency
self URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/api/2/constituency/vauxhall/ API URL of the parliamentary constituency
postcode String GU16 7HF
slug String hull Slugified name of the food bank
html URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/needs/at/norwoodbrixton/brixton/ HTML URL of the location


The latest 100 food bank needs that we've discovered.

Field Type Example Description
found Date Time 2019-07-27T17:59:21.975Z Date and time we first found the food bank request
name String Hull
slug String hull Slugified name of the food bank
self URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/api/2/foodbank/hull/
html URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/needs/at/hull/
id Eight character string dc437c31 Unique need identifier
needs Multiline String Jam
Tinned Fruit
Tinned Meat
Linebreak separated list of items in the need. Or "Unknown", "Nothing" or "Facebook" keywords.
excess Multiline String Baked Beans
Linebreak separated list of items the food bank has excess of
self URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/api/2/foodbank/dc437c31/


When given a need identifier returns the details of that need.

Field Type Example Description
found Date Time 2019-07-27T17:59:21.975Z Date and time we first found the food bank request
name String Hull
slug String hull Slugified name of the food bank
self URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/api/2/foodbank/hull/
html URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/needs/at/hull/
id Eight character string dc437c31 Unique need identifier
needs Multiline String Jam
Tinned Fruit
Tinned Meat
Linebreak separated list of items in the need. Or "Unknown", "Nothing" or "Facebook" keywords.
excess Multiline String Baked Beans
Linebreak separated list of items the food bank has excess of
self URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/api/2/foodbank/dc437c31/


Returns a list of all UK parliamentary constituencies

Field Type Example Description
name String Vauxhall Name of the parliamentary constituency
slug String vauxhall Slugified name of the parliamentary constituency
country String England Country that the parliamentary constituency is in
name String Florence Eshalomi Name of the MP representing the parliamentary constituency
party String Labour Name of the party the MP representing the parliamentary constituency is a member of
id Integer 1234 Parliamentary member ID for the MP
html URL https://members.parliament.uk/member/4870/contact HTML URL of the MP
photo URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/static/img/mp/4510.jpg URL of a photo of the MP
html URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/needs/at/norwoodbrixton/ HTML URL of the parliamentary constituency
self URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/api/2/foodbank/norwoodbrixton/ API URL of the parliamentary constituency
parliament URL https://members.parliament.uk/member/4510/contact URL of the MP at parliament.uk


Returns details of a parliamentary constituency, it's MP and the food banks that reside in it and what they are asking to have donated.

Field Type Example Description
lat_lng String 51.4630738,-0.1207938 Comma separated latitude and longitude
name String Hull
needs Multiline String UHT Milk
Tinned Tomatoes
Tinned Sweetcorn
Linebreak separated list of items in the need. Or "Unknown", "Nothing" or "Facebook" keywords.
excess Multiline String Baked Beans
Linebreak separated list of items the food bank has excess of
slug String hull Slugified name of the food bank
homepage URL https://norwoodbrixton.foodbank.org.uk/ Homepage of the food bank
html URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/needs/in/sid-valley/ HTML URL of the food bank
self URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/api/2/foodbank/sid-valley/ API URL of the food bank
shopping_list URL https://norwoodbrixton.foodbank.org.uk/give-help/donate-food/ URL of the shopping list where we find what a food bank requires
name String Florence Eshalomi Name of the MP representing the parliamentary constituency
party String Labour Name of the party the MP representing the parliamentary constituency is a member of
id Integer 1234 Parliamentary member ID for the MP
html URL https://members.parliament.uk/member/4870/contact HTML URL of the MP
photo URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/static/img/mp/4510.jpg URL of a photo of the MP
name String Vauxhall Name of the parlimentary constituency
slug String vauxhall Slug of the parlimentary constituency
self URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/api/2/constituency/exeter/ API URL of the parliamentary constituency
html URL https://www.givefood.org.uk/needs/in/constituency/orkney-and-shetland/ HTML URL of the parliamentary constituency
Parliamentary Constituency