History - Bognor Regis Food Bank

19 hours, 17 minutes ago

Tinned Carrots
Tinned Tomatoes
UHT Fruit Juice
Toilet Rolls
Tea Bags
UHT Milk

6 days, 8 hours ago

Pasta Sauce
Tinned Meat
Tinned Carrots
UHT Fruit Juice
Toilet Rolls
UHT Milk
Tea Bags

1 week, 6 days ago

Pasta Sauce
Tinned Meat
Tinned Fish
Tinned Tomatoes
Tinned Fruit
UHT Fruit Juice
Toilet Rolls
UHT Milk

3 weeks, 1 day ago

Tinned Beans
Tinned Soup
Tinned Potatoes
Tinned Carrots
Pasta Sauce
Tinned Meat
Tinned Fish
Tinned Tomatoes
UHT Milk (Green)
UHT Milk (Blue)
UHT Milk (Red)
Tinned Fruit

3 weeks, 6 days ago

Tinned Beans
Tinned Soup
Pasta Tins
Tinned Potatoes
UHT Milk (Green/Blue/Red)
Tinned Carrots
Tinned Tomatoes
UHT Milk (Green)
UHT Milk (Blue)
UHT Milk (Red)

1 month ago

Tinned Fruit
Tinned Puddings
Small Coffee Jars
UHT Fruit Juice
Tinned Beans
Tinned Soup
Pasta Tins
Tinned Potatoes
UHT Milk (Green/Blue/Red)

1 month, 1 week ago

Tinned Pasta
Tinned Meat
Tinned Veg (Peas/Carrots)
Tea Bags
UHT Milk (Green)
Tinned Fruit
Tinned Puddings
Small Coffee Jars
UHT Fruit Juice

1 month, 2 weeks ago

Tinned Pasta
Tinned Meat
Tinned Veg (Peas/Carrots)
Tea Bags
UHT Milk (Green)
Small Boxes Of Cereals
Tinned Peas
Tinned Carrotts

1 month, 2 weeks ago

Small Jars Of Coffee
Tinned Meat
Tinned Carrots
Toilet Rolls
UHT Milk (Green)
Small Boxes Of Cereals
Tinned Peas
Tinned Carrotts

2 months ago

Small Jars Of Coffee
Tinned Meat
Small Jars Of Coffee
Tinned Spaghetti/pasta
Tinned Carrots
Toilet Rolls
Tinned Potatoes