St Mary's Church Welton - Lincoln Community Larder Food Bank

Lincoln Community Larder Food Bank is currently requesting the following items to be donated:

Tins Of: Fruit, Rice Pudding, Tuna, Meats – (Eg Stews, Meatballs, Curries), Hot Dogs, Peas, Carrots, Sweetcorn, Tomatoes.
‘Weetabix’ Or Own Brand Equivalent, Other Breakfast Cereals, Instant Coffee (Small Jars), Sugar (250g Packs), Jam, Marmalade Or Lemon Curd, Pasta Sauces.
Semi-skimmed UHT Milk.
Instant Mashed Potato, Biscuits, Puddings, Jellies, ‘Angel Delight’.
Soap, Shampoo, Shower Gel, Disposable Razors, Deodorants, Handy Packs Of Tissues, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste And Sanitary Items.

Food, money or your time

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St Mary's Church Welton
9 Lincoln Road

Charity Registration 1175176
Part of IFAN
