Open Doors Cafe - Medway Food Bank

Medway Food Bank is currently requesting the following items to be donated:

Instant Mash
Tinned Ham Or Corned Beef
Tinned 'Meals With Meat' Such As Pies, Spag Bol, Chilli Con Carne
Tinned Fruit
Tinned Rice Pudding
Fruit Juice - Long-Life
Squash/Soft Drinks - Small Bottles
Hot Chocolate
Tinned Potatoes
Tinned Tomatoes
Instant Soup/Cup-A-Soup
Sponge Puddings - Long Life
Sugar - 500 G Packs Or Smaller
Ketchup Or Brown Sauce
Instant Coffee - Small Jars/Packs
Evaporated Milk
Dried Skimmed Milk Powder
Deodorants For Men Or Women
Washing-Up Liquid
Shaving Foam
Nappies Size 7
Tinned Soup

Food, money or your time

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Open Doors Cafe
Chatham Evangelical Church
Ordnance Street

Charity Registration 1166505
Part of Trussell