Food banks in Coventry East

Mary Creagh

Coventry East constituency is represented by Mary Creagh MP of the Labour party.


The following food banks operate in the Coventry East constituency. Here is what they are requesting to have donated.

Coventry Cereal
UHT Long Life Milk
Tinned Tomatoes
Rice Pudding
Instant Coffee
Tea Bags
Fruit Juice Or Squash
Cooking Sauce
Coventry City Mission
Part of Coventry
UHT Long Life Milk
Tinned Tomatoes
Rice Pudding
Instant Coffee
Tea Bags
Fruit Juice Or Squash
Cooking Sauce
Foleshill Baptist Church
Part of Coventry
UHT Long Life Milk
Tinned Tomatoes
Rice Pudding
Instant Coffee
Tea Bags
Fruit Juice Or Squash
Cooking Sauce
Walsgrave Baptist Church
Part of Coventry
UHT Long Life Milk
Tinned Tomatoes
Rice Pudding
Instant Coffee
Tea Bags
Fruit Juice Or Squash
Cooking Sauce
Part of Coventry
UHT Long Life Milk
Tinned Tomatoes
Rice Pudding
Instant Coffee
Tea Bags
Fruit Juice Or Squash
Cooking Sauce
St Laurence's Church
Part of Coventry
UHT Long Life Milk
Tinned Tomatoes
Rice Pudding
Instant Coffee
Tea Bags
Fruit Juice Or Squash
Cooking Sauce