Food banks in Lewisham West and East Dulwich

Ellie Reeves

Lewisham West and East Dulwich constituency is represented by Ellie Reeves MP of the Labour party.


The following food banks operate in the Lewisham West and East Dulwich constituency. Here is what they are requesting to have donated.

Forest Hill
Part of Lewisham
UHT Milk (Semi Skimmed Or Full Fat Only)
Non-dairy Milk
Long-life Juice
Tinned Tomatoes
Tinned Sweetcorn
Tinned Meat
Halal Tinned Meat
Tinned Fish
Tinned Fruit
Tinned Rice Pudding
Instant Coffee
Cooking Oil
Pasta Sauce
Vegetarian Meals (Non Perishable)
Toilet Rolls
Sanitary Towels (Not Tampons)
Baby Wipes
Washing Up Liquid
Strong Carrier Bags