Food banks in Pontefract, Castleford and Knottingley

Yvette Cooper

Pontefract, Castleford and Knottingley constituency is represented by Yvette Cooper MP of the Labour party.


The following food banks operate in the Pontefract, Castleford and Knottingley constituency. Here is what they are requesting to have donated.

Trinity Mission Hope Centre Soups
Hot Dogs
Baked Beans
Corned Beef
Ravioli & Veg
Super Noodles
Instant Mash
Milk Powder/coffee Mate
Instant Coffee
Tea Bags & Hot Chocolate.
Shower Gel
Roll On Deodorants And Toilet Roll
Knottingley Tinned Meat Meals (Chicken Curry, Chilli Con Carne, Stew Etc)
Tinned Vegetables
Instant Mash
Tinned Fruit
Packet Sauce Mix (Casserole, Tuna Napolitana Etc)
Packet Flavoured Rice
Packet Puddings (Custard, Jelly, Cake Mix)
Cleaning Products
Washing Up Liquid, Disinfectant (No Bleach) Washing Powder, Softener, Air Fresheners
Shower Gel, Soap, Deodorant, Toothpaste, Toothbrushes, Shampoo, Conditioner,
Sanitary Products
New Toys And Books
The Link We currently don't know what is needed at this food bank. Please contact them to find out.
Pontefract Toiletries (Shower Gel/shampoo)
Cereal (Kids)
Cartons Of Milk
Soap (Bars)
Knottingley We currently don't know what is needed at this food bank. Please contact them to find out.
Pontefract We currently don't know what is needed at this food bank. Please contact them to find out.